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Use Cases

A Project Managers Guide to Use Cases Part 3
Agile, Project Management, Requirements Analysis, Use Cases, Use Cases, Watermark Learning

A PM’s Guide to Use Cases Part 3: Use Case Narratives

Originally published in PM Times on December 8, 2015. As promised, this is the fifth article in our modeling series and the third on use cases. We’ll start with a short summary of the main concepts covered previously. SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS ARTICLES Here are the highlights of the requirements modeling articles written to date: To get […]

A Project Managers Guide to Use Cases Part 2
Agile, Project Management, Requirements Analysis, Use Cases, Use Cases, Watermark Learning

A PM’s Guide to Use Cases Part 2: Use Case Diagrams Explained

Originally published in PM Times on November 10, 2015. This is the third article in our requirements modeling series and the second article in our use cases series. We had promised that in future articles we would show examples of use case diagrams, explain how to build them, and describe why we should create use case

A Project Managers Guide to Use Cases Part 1
Agile, Project Management, Use Cases, Watermark Learning

A PM’s Guide to Use Cases Part 1: What is a Use Case and Why Should PMs Care?

Originally published in PM Times on May 22, 2015. Use case models have been around for decades. Long after Information Engineering was all the rage and through object-oriented analysis and design they hung around. They threatened to disappear when Agile methods gained popularity, but here they are–discussed, dissected, and the subject of many blogs. Aren’t they