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Watermark Learning

The Real Positives and Negatives of Working Virtually
Agile, BA Training, Business Analysis, Project Management, Project Management Professional (PMP)®, Virtual Teams, Watermark Learning

The Real Positives and Negatives of Working Virtually

Developing our new course, Getting Real Results from Virtual Teams, has me poring through resources and reflecting on my own experiences of working virtually. There are, of course, many types of virtual work environments and circumstances, just as there are many reasons why workers work remotely. There are also many passionate advocates and critics of

7 Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation Q&A, Part 2
Business Analysis, Communicating, Elicitation, Facilitation, Influencing and Consulting, Requirements Analysis, Stakeholders, Virtual Teams, Watermark Learning

7 Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation Q&A, Part 2

Thanks to all of you who attended Watermark Learning’s webinar Seven Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation. This is Part 2 of a three-part series of questions and answers that were not addressed during the webinar. Question 1: Do you have a specific time limit when conducting requirements workshops? Mine is 1-1/2 hours.

Virtual Meeting Challenges: Stop Fighting the Multitaskers, Part 2
Communicating, Facilitation, Project Management, Project Management Professional (PMP)®, Stakeholders, Virtual Teams, Watermark Learning

Virtual Meeting Challenges: Stop Fighting the Multitaskers, Part 2

The frustration of multitaskers was the topic of my last blog, in which I reminded readers of two things most of us already know: 1) Our brains really don’t allow us to mentally think about two things at once, and 2) Most of us are not able to sustain our attention on something for more than

Virtual Meeting Challenges: Stop Fighting the Multitaskers, Part 1
Communicating, Project Management, Project Management Professional (PMP)®, Virtual Teams, Watermark Learning

Virtual Meeting Challenges: Stop Fighting the Multitaskers, Part 1

During the Q and A following my recent webinar, Offsite and On Board, most questions pertained to challenges around people multitasking during conference calls and online meetings. Evidence of people multitasking during virtual meetings includes the tap-tap-tap of keyboarding, silence when asking for input from someone, and the steady drip of “Could you repeat that

7 Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation Q&A Part 1
Business Analysis, Elicitation, Facilitation, Influencing and Consulting, Requirements Analysis, Stakeholders, Virtual Teams, Watermark Learning

7 Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation Q&A Part 1

Thanks to all of you who attended Watermark Learning’s webinar Seven Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation. Thank you for the outstanding response. I do apologize that we didn’t have time to address all the questions during the session. I know some of you would have liked to hear all the questions and