Watermark Learning
New Online Study Exam Features and Updates

New Online Study Exam Features and Updates

Over the years, Watermark Learning has constantly worked to improve our products based on feedback from our students and customers. Recently, we have added several new features to our Online Study Exams that were a direct result of your feedback. The biggest new feature is the ability to review any previous exam taken in a subscription. Previously, …

To Understand Business Processes

To Understand Business Processes, Just Use Your Loaf

Watermark Learning is happy to feature our affiliate Brian Hunt, CBAP, who illustrates how a bread making machine can be used to understand any business process. Many recruiters call for specific domain experience when they want help in process redesign. But, whether your product is life insurance, cakes or motorbikes, the principles of business process are …

5 Daily Tips for Successful Projects

5 Daily Tips for Successful Projects

An ad at the end of one of my workout videos caught my attention. A kitchen timer is ticking away. A voice says “It’s about time. Time. Time.” A trainer appears and says, “The number one reason people don’t work out is time.” A woman appears and says, “I can’t work out for an hour. …

CBAP and CCBA v3 Exam

CBAP and CCBA v3 Exam Update

IIBA has developed a new Business Analysis multi-level, competency-based certification framework that supports a BA’s career progression. Current CCBAs and CBAPs will map to levels 2 and 3, respectively, and will not be required to take the new exams. However, if an applicant has not taken the CCBA or CBAP exam prior to September 22, …

An Expensive Leap How Jumping to a Solution Cost Billions

An Expensive Leap: How Jumping To A Solution Cost Billions And Made The Problem Worse

Originally published in PM Times on May 23, 2016. How would you solve this problem? The US VA has unacceptable wait times for veterans seeking medical assistance. The VA medical centers around the country are overbooked and understaffed. Some veterans have to wait months for appointments and treatment. There has been negative media attention on this …

CBAP and CCBA v2 Exam Changes

CBAP and CCBA v2 Exam Changes

As we get closer to the changes happening to the CBAP and CCBA exams, we can report a few things we have learned. The IIBA is making progress in rolling out their new certification program and are releasing information on it in stages. Deadline. The rollout for version 3 exams has been announced for September 30, 2016. …

Small Business Leadership Summit 2016 Recap

Small Business Leadership Summit 2016 Recap

Watermark Learning was excited to be selected for the second year in a row as one of more than 150 small business leaders from across the country to attend the Small Business Leadership Summit in Washington D.C.  The Summit, hosted by small business advocacy organization Small Business Majority, provided a unique opportunity for us and …

Top 5 Reasons Organizations Should Support Certifications

Top 5 Reasons Organizations Should Support Certifications

Originally published in PM Times on April 25, 2016. There will always be a debate about certifications and whether organizations should support them. Some feel they are an essential and growing part of professional life. Others feel a credential does not make a practitioner a better business analyst, Agilist, or project manager. Both sides have a …

5 More Rules for Project Success

5 More Rules For Project Success

Originally published in PM Times on April 19, 2016. Six years ago, we wrote an article on five children’s rules of world cup soccer and how those rules apply to the world of projects. Our 6 grandsons have grown and acquired new skills, so keeping up with them is a challenge. New rules have emerged—not rules …

A Project Managers Guide to Use Cases Part 3

A PM’s Guide to Use Cases Part 3: Use Case Narratives

Originally published in PM Times on December 8, 2015. As promised, this is the fifth article in our modeling series and the third on use cases. We’ll start with a short summary of the main concepts covered previously. SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS ARTICLES Here are the highlights of the requirements modeling articles written to date: To get …