Watermark Learning
What's New in our CBAP v3 Training Materials

What’s New in our CBAP v3 Materials

Watermark Learning has started launching new CBAP v3 materials prior to IIBA’s changeover of the v3.0 exams in September. The new BABOK 3.0 has new certification levels, changes to most Knowledge Areas, and the addition of 16 new techniques. The BA Core Concept Model™ (BACCM) and an all-new section containing five perspectives on Business Analysis has also been added. With that …

A Project Managers Guide to Use Cases Part 2

A PM’s Guide to Use Cases Part 2: Use Case Diagrams Explained

Originally published in PM Times on November 10, 2015. This is the third article in our requirements modeling series and the second article in our use cases series. We had promised that in future articles we would show examples of use case diagrams, explain how to build them, and describe why we should create use case …

A Project Managers Guide to Requirements Modeling Part 2

A PM’s Guide to Requirements Modeling Part 2: Concurrent Requirements Modeling

Originally published in PM Times on March 30, 2015. This article is the second in a series on requirements modeling with the emphasis on why PMs should care about modeling requirements. In our first article, we spoke generally about models, the benefits of modeling requirements, and introduced the relationship between the iterative nature of eliciting requirements …

Realizing Value the Latest Trends

Realizing Value – The Latest Trend or Here to Stay?

Originally published in PM Times as 2 parts on February 22, 2016 (Part 1) and March 7, 2016 (Part 2). In January, we published our annual article about the seven trends in business analysis, project management, and agile. If we examine these trends, we see that they have one thing in common—they are all about value. We …

A Project Managers Guide to Requirements Modeling Part 1

A Project Manager’s Guide to Requirements Modeling – Part 1

Originally published in PM Times on March 17, 2015. We often get asked how project managers (PMs) justify allowing enough time to model requirements on their projects. These PMs complain that although they agree that requirements modeling has huge benefits, they have a hard time justifying the amount of time it takes. This article opens a …

Business Analysis Toolkit Models Part 2

BA Toolkit: Top Models for Complete Requirements Analysis Webinar Q&A – Part 2

Thank you to everyone who attended the “BA Toolkit: Top Models for Complete Requirements” webinar, hosted by Elizabeth Larson, PMP, CBAP, CSM, PMI-PBA. If you missed it or would like to review, check out the recording. There were so many really wonderful, thought-provoking questions on the BA Toolkit: Top Models for Complete Requirements webinar that I decided there was too …

Not Your Decision

Not Your Decision

Watermark Learning is happy to feature our student and guest blogger Jonathan Brandt, PMP, PMI-ACP, who is looking for feedback on a decision-making model he is developing. Project Waterloo: Gantt McGreen, Project Manager Extraordinaire, is having a bad day. Project Waterloo is a career-maker. It’s catchy motto, “Liberate the Customer”, belies its complexity. It is a …

A Guide to PMBOK 6th Edition What's Changed

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Sixth Edition: What’s Changing and When

The sixth edition of PMI®’s A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) is currently in draft mode and undergoing review. The expected publication date is sometime in Q3 of 2017. Updated versions of related exams, including the PMP and CAPM, are planned to go into effect in Q1 of 2018. Anyone with …

A Project Managers Guide to Use Cases Part 1

A PM’s Guide to Use Cases Part 1: What is a Use Case and Why Should PMs Care?

Originally published in PM Times on May 22, 2015. Use case models have been around for decades. Long after Information Engineering was all the rage and through object-oriented analysis and design they hung around. They threatened to disappear when Agile methods gained popularity, but here they are–discussed, dissected, and the subject of many blogs. Aren’t they …

The Entrepreneurial BA Practitioner Part 5

The Entrepreneurial BA Practitioner Part 5: More Thoughts on How Business Analysts Can Help Innovate

Originally published in BA Times on January 25, 2016. In past articles in this series, we covered topics such as the similarity between business analysis practitioners and entrepreneurs and the types and stages of entrepreneurialism. In part 4, we focused on innovation and entrepreneurship and suggested that we could contribute to innovation in our organizations …