Watermark Learning
Is Your Organization Agile Ready

Is Your Organization Agile-Ready?

For years, we’ve gotten questions from Agile seminar participants about how to apply Scrum to “real life,” as though these methods are “good in theory, but not at my company!” Some organizations may not be ready to adopt Agile methods completely, so we encourage people to take a short, Agile organizational readiness self-assessment to see …

BA Toolkit Part 1

BA Toolkit: Top Models for Complete Requirements Analysis Webinar Q&A – Part 1

Thank you to everyone who attended the “BA Toolkit: Top Models for Complete Requirements” webinar, hosted by Elizabeth Larson, PMP, CBAP, CSM, PMI-PBA. If you missed it or would like to review, check out the recording. In the webinar, our expert host covered the top models business analysis practitioners can use in their “toolkit” for complete requirements analysis. Each …

Seven Trends in Business Analysis 2016

Seven Trends in Business Analysis, Project Management, and Agile for 2016

Originally published in BA Times on January 18, 2016. Each year, since 2009, we have enjoyed reflecting on what’s happened the previous year in the areas of business analysis and project management (including Agile), and making predictions for the upcoming year. To summarize the trends we saw in 2015: Focus on entrepreneurship and innovation, including distributed leadership …

Organizational Innovation is Drive by Business Analysis

Organizational Innovation is Driven by Business Analysis: Interview with Elizabeth Larson

During PMI’s 2015 Global Congress, Elizabeth Larson, CBAP, PMP, CSM, PMI-PBA was asked to do an interview to discuss her paper and presentation “I Don’t Have Time to Innovate: I’m Too Busy Doing Business Analysis” (co-written with Richard Larson). Cornelius Fichtner of PM Podcast and Elizabeth Larson of Watermark Learning Everyone seems to be talking about the importance of organizational …

Resolutions and Retrospectives

Resolutions and Retrospectives

It’s that time again – the New Year, when we look back at the past year and think about what we’d like to change in the coming year, much like retrospectives. This act of looking back happens much more frequently on Agile projects, since the Team conducts a retrospective at the end of every iteration. …

Entrepreneurial Business Analysis Interview

Entrepreneurial Business Analysis Interview with Richard Larson

During PMI’s 2015 Global Congress, Richard Larson, PMP, CBAP, PMI-PBA was asked to do an interview to discuss his paper and presentation “Entrepreneurial Business Analysis Practitioner” (co-written with Elizabeth Larson). Cornelius Fichtner of PM Podcast and Richard Larson of Watermark Learning The paper explores several aspects of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs and what it means for business analysis. …

Project Management Professional PMP Boot Camp Overview

Project Management Professional (PMP)® Certification Boot Camp Overview Q&A

Preparing for a certification can be a very stressful and confusing process. On December 10, 2015, I hosted a webinar to help alleviate some of this stress by providing an overview on the exam and sharing tips on how to study and pass! Thank you to everyone that attended “Get Ready for PMP® Certification Boot Camp! …

Career Advice What am I Actually Worth

Career Advice: What Am I Actually Worth?

Guest blogger, Jonathan Brandt, PMP, PMI-ACP, has taken multiple courses through Watermark Learning and recently wrote an article that highlights important factors for when you may need career advice, whether in a job transition or wanting to make a job change. “Dude, where’s my job?” Sliderule Bob is a Senior Applications Designer for Widget-tron, which provides control software written …

Mystery Fiction the Business Analyst as Detective

Mystery Fiction – The Business Analyst as Detective

Originally published April 11, 2011 My husband and I belong to a mystery book club. Every month we read and discuss a book loosely categorized as mystery fiction. Recently one of the members asked whether the book we had just discussed was really a mystery. Good question, since each of us had different ideas of …

Associate and Masters Certificate Programs

Associate and Masters Certificate Programs

Auburn University has been Watermark Learning’s academic partner since 2004, providing endorsement for our certificate programs in Business Analysis, Project Management, Business Process Management, and Agile. We currently offer the following certificate programs: Associate Certificate in Business Analysis Masters Certificate in Business Analysis Associate Certificate in Project Management Masters Certificate in Project Management Certificate in …