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BABOK vs. PMBOK Guide: What’s the Difference?
Business Analysis

BABOK vs PMBOK Guide: What’s the Difference?

With more than 174,727 business analysts in the United States alone, there’s bound to be a plethora of opinions about how to analyze operations and steer companies toward success. In some ways, PMI, BABOK, and PMBOK unite many of the best practices that analysts have found successful — putting them into guides that any analyst […]

What is Business Agility? | Agile Business Process

Agile Business Process: What is Business Agility?

The organizational alignment of leadership, culture, and strategy, focusing on the value provided to stakeholders, is termed “business agility” or “organizational agility.” With change constant in almost every industry, the organization that can quickly adapt to meet changes while still bringing value to stakeholders is positioned for long-term success. On this page: What is Business

Implementing Strategies for Organizational Change Management
Watermark Learning

Implementing Strategies for Organizational Change Management

One reliable thing about the business world is it’s constantly in flux. Organizational leaders must be adaptable and know how to implement changes affecting their operations, products, and employees, often with limited time. This flexibility is what keeps them and their organization competitive. Regardless of the reason for the change, whether it’s related to new

Business Relationships
BRMP, Business Analysis, Business Relationship Management, Project Management, Watermark Learning

An Intro into the World of Business Relationship Management, Part 4: A Continued Review into BRM

We are on the last leg of our four-part series. In our previous BRM blogs, we provided you with a summary overview of BRM, BRMP®, and BRM Institute®. We then followed with more detailed information about the BRM role and the BRMP®. This final blog provides additional information to round out what we provided you regarding

Business Relationship Management
BRMP, Business Analysis, Business Relationship Management, Certification, Project Management, Watermark Learning

An Intro into the World of Business Relationship Management, Part 3: What is BRMP and How Do I Get Certified?

We are on the third leg of our four-part series. In our previous Business Relationship Management blogs, we provided you with a summary overview of BRM, BRMP®, and BRM Institute. We then followed with more detailed information about the BRM role and its organizational value. Today, we will take you to the world of the BRMP —

In-Depth BRM
BRMP, Business Relationship Management, Watermark Learning

An Intro into the World of Business Relationship Management, Part 2: An In-depth Look at a BRM

Our BRM exploration journey continues. In our last BRM blog, we provided you with a high-level view of the BRM, BRMP®, and BRM Institute®. In this blog, we take a closer, more detailed look about the BRM role, a brief history, what BRMs do, and the core competencies needed to be a successful BRM. As you may remember

Business Institute
BRMP, Business Relationship Management, Watermark Learning

An Intro into the World of Business Relationship Management, Part 1: What is a BRM, a BRMP, and the BRM Institute?

Welcome to the first in a series of four blogs in which we will introduce you to the world of Business Relationship Management, the role of the Business Relationship Manager, its corresponding certification, the value BRMs bring to the organization, and how to move into a BRM role as the next step of your career