Watermark Learning
Virtual Meeting Challenges: Stop Fighting the Multitaskers, Part 2

Virtual Meeting Challenges: Stop Fighting the Multitaskers, Part 2

The frustration of multitaskers was the topic of my last blog, in which I reminded readers of two things most of us already know: 1) Our brains really don’t allow us to mentally think about two things at once, and 2) Most of us are not able to sustain our attention on something for more than …

Virtual Meeting Challenges: Stop Fighting the Multitaskers, Part 1

Virtual Meeting Challenges: Stop Fighting the Multitaskers, Part 1

During the Q and A following my recent webinar, Offsite and On Board, most questions pertained to challenges around people multitasking during conference calls and online meetings. Evidence of people multitasking during virtual meetings includes the tap-tap-tap of keyboarding, silence when asking for input from someone, and the steady drip of “Could you repeat that …

Back To Basics with 007

Back To Basics with 007

James Bond’s Troubled Project Recovery I wasn’t consulted about the inclusion of the latest James Bond movie, Skyfall, on the list of contenders for an Academy Award for Best Picture, but if I had been I would have been most enthusiastically supportive. It’s a troubled project recovery adventure like none I’ve ever managed!  This Bond …

7 Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation Q&A Part 1

7 Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation Q&A Part 1

Thanks to all of you who attended Watermark Learning’s webinar Seven Ways to Build Trust for Successful Requirements Elicitation. Thank you for the outstanding response. I do apologize that we didn’t have time to address all the questions during the session. I know some of you would have liked to hear all the questions and …

Courage in Being the Second Mouse

Courage in Being the Second Mouse

I read a funny quote the other day, actually a list of Paraprosdokians that my friend Hal Korff sent. (Thanks, Hal.) It goes like this: “The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.” It’s a funny line, but I got to thinking about the subject of courage, a topic …

What’s Done is Done, Not Just Complete

What’s Done is Done, Not Just Complete

Last month, I was driving through a major highway construction project when my passenger commented how excited she was because she’d heard that the project was nearing completion and would be finished before year-end.  I took a quick gander at the site and responded that I was sure whatever source she’d heard that from must …

Trivia Question - What was the first-ever text message

Trivia Question: What was the First-Ever Text Message?

Watermark Learning was founded in 1992. Besides our founding, a lot was going on that year. Here are some noted firsts and other happenings in December of 1992. Text messaging as we now know it was used for the first time December 3, 1992, when Neil Papworth, a test engineer for Sema Group in the United …

Beware the Unchartered Project

Beware the Unchartered Project

An unchartered project is an oxymoron to most project managers.  Kind of like the unsponsored project.  It just doesn’t compute.  No sponsor, no project.  No charter, no project. But take a look at the mountain of stuff on your desk.  How many unchartered projects are in there?  After all, it’s not like there’s a magic threshold …

Ten Millionth Cell Phone Activated

Ten Millionth Cell Phone Activated

Watermark Learning was founded in 1992. Besides our founding, a lot was going on that year. Here are some noted firsts and other happenings in November of 1992. November 23, 1992, marked the day the ten millionth cell phone was activated. It was a Nokia Model 1011, and its model number referred to its launch …

Conference Call Best Practice – If One is Virtual, All are Virtual

Conference Call Best Practice – If One is Virtual, All are Virtual

Virtualization.  It’s no longer a question of do you work virtually, but how much of your day is spent working with others with whom you have little or no face time. Frankly, this can appeal to our less-industrious selves.  How often, when we could take the opportunity for face-to-face communications, do we resort to something …